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Will You Fear Imagining The New Day?

By Anchal Jain

1. While we work to survive and conserve cash today, let us use this precious time to also prepare for a LONG BOOM that awaits us just after. Many economists, including Nobel Laureates gave damning warnings at the end of the Second War about impending economic turmoil leading to “an epidemic of violence”. Instead, the world again saw a rapid recovery leading to three decades of prosperity. Back then, very similar conditions prevailed as we see today and the only leap of faith we take is a bet on close international trade ties and an end to the trade war. This, even alongside more insular and protective political and social borders.

2. Post COVID-19, low oil and commodities prices, very low inflation, strong technology platforms to support new levels of productivity, pent up consumer demand, increased international trade co-operation helped by big deficit financing by the governments should restart the economic engines. BCG suggests that one in every seven firms improve topline and bottomline during a crisis. Will you be the one?

3. We believe that “the fear bigger than the COVID virus is the fear that people will fail to re-imagine the future!” Those who fail to anticipate or even recognise the bright light ahead will find little use of cash they would still have left with them then.

4. It is with this in mind that we put our neck out in anticipating some of these possibilities. We divide these scenarios in eight themes:

· A NEW BUTTERFLY EMERGES FROM THE COCOON: Key attitudinal and behavioral leaps

· BREAKUP AND MAKEUP: Break from the past to make new opportunities

· THE HOME RUN: Live; Love; Work; Play

· WHO MOVED MY CUSTOMERS?!: The altered marketplace

· THE VALUE CHAIN CONUNDRUM: New Risks and Bottlenecks

· I WAS A SUSTAINABLE BRAND: Quiet action, not screaming posters

· THE (RE)START-UP WORLD: Everyone is an entrepreneur

· DIGITAL TURNS HUMAN: Human turns transparent

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are Val-More’s views only. Anchal is neither an economist nor an astrologer. However, besides having an ability to connect future dots, he is an eternal optimist always looking at the positives in human behavior in any difficult moment to come out stronger. Special mention of Manoj Kumar and Geetanjali Rastogi from the Val-More partner team for their contribution and challenges.

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