October 2-8th, 2023
Set in a 40 acre lap of Himalayan nature with rooms in different cottages and villas spread across the property, Hawksdale has been chosen as the location for our first retreat. In this first module on Value Foundation you will see the importance of activating your emotional brain to the fullest and what better place than Kasauli to do that.
Just 1.5 hour drive from Chandigarh, Kasauli is a paradise at 6,000 ft altitude in Himachal Pradesh.
Besides strategic foundation sessions, some outdoors in the nature, you engage in hiking, cycling, yoga, birding etc. In this intimate setting, all your senses are guaranteed to be evoked.

Objectives of Value Foundation Retreat
The first retreat introduces participants to a pathbreaking and unique strategy framework that helps in converting any pain into a high value business asset, while working on emotional de-bottlenecking of the mind through sessions on personal branding.
Topics Covered in Retreat 1:
1. The Val-More Framework: Self Diagnostic by participants
2. Power of “Enterprise Vision” in creating a strong value foundation
3. Cases of Chateau Margaux & Louis Vuitton among others
4. Self-exercise and presentations
5. Building a brand identity
6. Branding design & style map
7. Central force of Customer Experience Journey
8. Building a product architecture
9. Open Innovation and Eco-System approach to business models
10. Building cross cultural strategy
11. Understanding basics of behavioral economics
12. Toolkits and frameworks for value foundation and value-market fit
13. Strategic framework for personal branding
14. Homework to be done before the next camp

January 7-13th, 2023
One of the finest business schools in the world with a parade of distinguished alumni, IIMA is most certainly the place all of us covet to be. You will have an opportunity to spend a week at Louis Kahn’s architectural masterpiece, for the sessions to be taught by some of the finest professors at the institute. Not only will you sharpen your operational and execution skills, you will have an opportunity to network with successful local family businesses and immerse in the local vibrant Gujarati culture.

Objectives of Value Delivery Retreat
The second retreat focuses on the most optimal execution and delivery of the value strategy. In absence of most effective execution, a great strategy remains in the board rooms.
This retreat ensures you do not fall into that trap.
You will receive a certificate from IIMA upon completion of this module.
Topics Covered in Retreat 2:
1. Presentation of individual value creation & value capture strategy
2. The “Go-to-market” (GTM) plan
3. The GTM: pricing strategy and unit economics
4. The GTM: Building effective sales & marketing plan
5. The GTM: Building effective supply chain plan
6. Revenue and Business Models
7. Understanding and building a business plan
8. Digital marketing and omni-channel models
9. Understanding Operations
10. Value bottlenecks - Operations; key roles and tasks
11. Managing value in supply chain
12. Measurements controls and corrective actions
13. Consumer listening and impact on decision systems

April 7-13th, 2023
Shekhawati region, known for its remarkable architecture and fresco art, is host to our final retreat. Vivaana is a new star on the firmament, a much acclaimed and beautifully restored 150 year old Haveli, 3 hours from Jaipur or 5 hours from Delhi by road. This location, seeped in culture, art, architecture and folklore make our last retreat memorable and the learnings even more lasting.
Before you bid farewell, during the retreat, you will come up close to the majestic Marwari horse, native to the region, practice local craft forms besides of course, walk the fresco trail.

Objectives of Value Enablers Retreat
This retreat focuses on helping participants in understanding and refining their personal branding, leadership abilities, understand family dynamics and best ways to manage all four – self, family, business and ownership.
It will also introduce elements of finance, people, technology and funding. By the end of the third retreat, you should be seeing a clear vision and path to building and leaving a strong business legacy.
Topics Covered in Retreat 3:
1. Leadership (Authentic Leadership, Empathy, EQ, hard skills, and human skills)
2. Scaling a family business: unique challenges and opportunities
3. Effectuation and evolution from family business owners and/or entrepreneur to a manager in family business
4. People as key force in enabling value delivery
5. Organisation structures, efficiencies, and power of delegation
6. What are the best ways to fund the business?
7. Raising external funding
8. Understanding the role of technology in a business
9. Effective deployment of technology
10. Toolkits and frameworks to manage the value chain
11. Family legacy and alignment of purpose, values and vision for Self, Family, Owners, Business and Enterprise
12. Governance structures to manage family enterprises
13. Effective communication across family ecosystem
14. Personal branding in action
15. Family member compensation, performance-based measurements and rewards

It most certainly is, if the answer to the following questions is a “YES”:
Are you very ambitious?
Are you driven with a contemporary outlook?
Are you eager to learn and be challenged?
Are you confident in your relationship with the elders in your family, if be the case?
Are you confident about the muscle in your business?
Do you have a good knowledge of your industry?