May 7, 20202 min

Human Turns Transparent

By Anchal Jain

1. FROM A GOOD CHOICE TO NO OPTION. And when there is no option, then there is no decision problem. We should all get started now in looking for bleeding edge technology to support us in our respective operations. Here’s a collation of all the pointers related to digital technology in previous posts.

2. SMARTER MACHINES, TRANSPARENT INDIVIDUAL is where we are headed with personal privacy totally sacrificed. While this is not new, what is fresh is that the resultant saving in time will not go back in more work, but in personal pursuits.

3. VISIBLE SOUL OF THE BRANDS. Transparency will also emerge as a norm in brand value chains, with new labelling taxonomy getting established.

4. DIGITAL CUSTOMER SHOPPING EXPERIENCE WILL LEAP INTO BEING FULLY PIES (Personalised, Immersive & Intelligent, Emotional and Seductive) with multi-sensorial feedback, multi-media integration.

5. BYE BYE SOCIAL MEDIA. In the new world, “Likes”, “Comments” etc will not be enough. With increased physical distancing, the gap in social distancing would need rapid filling with augmented social platforms. Different platforms for different needs – official, familial or social – would come up with differently imagined UI/UX.

6. COLLABORATIVE, TEAM PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS TO BECOME STRONGER. Virtual offices, linked supply chains and digital applications of tasks traditionally delivered physically such as quality assurance will drive future innovations. Even rural artisanal supply chains will adopt these tools with the 5G roll out.

7. PREVENTIVE HEALTH AND TELE MEDICATION WILL BECOME THE NEW FIRST AID. Many versions will get adopted by households as their new go to for maintenance and prevention of health hazards.

8. B2B OPERATIONS WILL BECOME MORE REMOTELY DELIVERED including discovery, dating, relationship management, trust, engagement, order taking and fulfilment.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are Val-More’s views only. Anchal is neither an economist nor an astrologer. However, besides having an ability to connect future dots, he is an eternal optimist always looking at the positives in human behavior in any difficult moment to come out stronger. Special mention of Manoj Kumar and Geetanjali Rastogi from the Val-More partner team for their contribution and challenges.

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